Sometimes, it feels like your only time to take a break and breathe is the ride up in the elevator or while you wait in line at the coffee shop. There are just those days, weeks, and months when you’re constantly playing catch up. These times can be hard, and exhausting! Carving out 5 minutes of your day to do something for yourself can feel incredible and be just the refresher that you need.
Here are some ideas of what you can do for yourself in 5 minutes:
- Call someone you care about- Whether it’s just to say “hello” or “I miss you”, connecting with a loved one can be quick and energizing!
- Squeeze in a short guided meditation- Use an app such as Headspace or Buddhify to guide your practice.
- Transfer $5 into your savings account- If you make a habit of this, you can start planning your next adventure.
- Stretch- Pick one body part that is feeling particularly tight and stretch it out.
- Chat with a coworker- Stop by the desk of a coworker that you haven’t talked to in a while and strike up a conversation.
- Connect on LinkedIn– Go through any business cards you might have compiled in the last few weeks and make the connection online. You never know when they could be a resource.
- Make a gratitude list- In these busy times, it’s easy to forget about the good things in our lives. Make a list to remember each one.
- Clean out your inbox- Go through old emails and file away ones that are no longer relevant. This will not only clear up your inbox, but also your head.
- Read an interesting article-Try to steer away from anything too heavy and find something fun.
- Pay a bill online- It’s relatively easy to do, but can often feel tedious. You’ll feel better after getting at least one done.
- Plan your menu for the following week- Getting yourself organized beforehand makes grocery shopping and food preparation all that much easier.
- Delete any unused apps- These apps are taking up screen room and storage; there’s no need for them.
- Back up files- Make sure that your files are being saved to a virtual folder. You’re too busy to be re-doing any work.
- Wipe down the surfaces in your office- Cleaning can be therapeutic.
- Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
In hectic and busy times, we hope that these 5 minute practices make for a better day!