
“Single-tasking”- Multitasking puts a strain on your brain, can cause you to make mistakes, and even increases cortisol levels, which are the stress hormones in your brain. Focusing on one task at a time is more strategic and efficient, and will allow you to get your work done faster and produce better work. Do one thing at a time in a sequential order and you will increase accuracy and innovation.

Arrive early- Sometimes the early bird really does catch the worm, and this can apply to arriving at the office before everyone else. If you can make it happen with your commute, get to the office before your coworkers. This will ensure that the office is quiet and there are as few distractions as possible. Early hours are often the time of the day when you have the most energy, so taking advantage of these hours can pay off with an early departure at the end of the day.


Keep an organized office: Messy and disorganized spaces are distracting. The more organized and clean your office space is, the less time you will spend thinking about how desperately you need to straighten up.

Take Breaks: It’s unrealistic to think we can work straight from 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. without getting a little distracted. If you schedule breaks into your day, you can hold yourself to these time segments. Allow your mind to wander or do something totally unrelated to work and you will be able to focus better when you need to.

Make your to-do list the night before: Make your to-do list before leaving work the day before. This allows you to come into the office in the morning and hit the ground running. You’ll know exactly what you have to accomplish that day and can start your day in an organized fashion.


Get natural light: Exposure to natural light has a direct connection to quality of life, and quality of life is correlated to how productive we are. If you’re not lucky enough to be seated by a window, make sure to get out of the office every once in a while. Whether it’s offering to make the coffee run for your coworkers or just going for a walk, this exposure to natural light can make a big difference.

Don’t force it: If none of these tips are making a difference, don’t force it. The chances are good that in times like these, you will rush through and not deliver your best work anyways. Find a time to do this task when you can give it the time and attention that it deserves.
